• NEXT GAME:no idea
    Sometime in August
    Kick off unknown pm
    No idea where
    Definitely the Championship

4,000 Holes Fanzine - ISSUE 92 coming soon!

4000 Holes

Issue 92 of the fanzine will be out in a couple of weeks for the Reading and Brentford home matches. We had an excellent 2017/18 in selling approximately 1600 copies over the five issues and getting great feedback, so we're hoping to push on to even better things this season at Championship level!!

If you would like each issue delivered to your door as soon as it is released, a full-season subscription including P&P is available for just £10 by CLICKING HERE (five issues). Usual price per issue is £1.50 (+75p P&P if delivered). Thanks for your support as we enter our 30th year!!