• NEXT GAME:no idea
    Sometime in August
    Kick off unknown pm
    No idea where
    Definitely the Championship

Fart Gas

Barmitzvah Boy

Global winner of the 2021 Christmas Quiz 👊🤩🤩

So how much power is in a fart?

Farts contain a mixture of gases including oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, but only two of those can be used for combustion and their energy extracted, those gases being hydrogen and methane.

According to energy density data, hydrogen has an energy density of 2.8 watt-hours per litre, and methane 10.5 watt-hours per litre. Therefore, with the average fart being around 90mL, this means the average human fart contains around 0.11025 watt-hours of potential energy.

I am looking to use an old barn close to Pleasington Golf Club to set up a reception unit for fart gas, either human or animal. The gas will be compressed, have a lavender scent added in small volumes, and then sold on the retail market as 100% recycled.


If anyone is interested is interested in investing in my new business venture please ‘drop’ me a PM and I will send you details of where to send a sample and details of my Nigerian (for tax purposes) bank account.
