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The real Brexit thread


Senior Member
I don't think anyone was debating that people can't rise above their circumstances, Al, that's the great deception of capitalism. But for every "rags to riches" story there are countless people who work just as hard and get nowhere because they weren't given the same opportunities or didn't know the right people.

It's always been the party line of the Right to vilify and scapegoat the poor and unemployed. Nevermind the economic meltdown, skyrocketing living costs, and social inequality, all brought about by the rich elite. What about the fatcats with their inherited wealth and privilege who contribute absolutely jack shit to society? Those are the REAL parasites.
Why are you assuming that the rich elite are right wing ? Branson, Soros, Blair, Gates etc !


Staff member
It's always been the party line of the Left to vilify and scapegoat the numerically disadvantaged wealthmakers.
There that reads better amo. :)
Have you ever thought that it is the Queen bee and the worker bees who make a colony work? Left to the drones the hive would starve and die out. Needless to say we have way too many drones in our society feeding off the graft and endeavour of the wealth providers.

Benjamin Kaynine

Senior Member
The worm has truly turned.

Even that appalling right wing rag, the Daily Mail, has finally come to its narrow minded senses and admitted that Brexit is going to be an economic disaster.

Perhaps it's realised that the elderly, bitter and twisted Little Englanders who make up much of its dwindling readership, are going to be much worse off after leaving the world's biggest trading bloc and that their beloved country will have to go crawling back to Brussels begging to be let back in.

Anyhow, enjoy....



Senior Member
The worm has truly turned.

Even that appalling right wing rag, the Daily Mail, has finally come to its narrow minded senses and admitted that Brexit is going to be an economic disaster.

Perhaps it's realised that the elderly, bitter and twisted Little Englanders who make up much of its dwindling readership, are going to be much worse off after leaving the world's biggest trading bloc and that their beloved country will have to go crawling back to Brussels begging to be let back in.

Anyhow, enjoy....

Except we have not left the EU yet and to call people names means you have lost the argument.
Polls are now showing even the remainers in large numbers now want a clean break from the EU.
The remainers pin up girl even guaranteed that Brexit would happen by getting Parliament to vote on article 50, which they did by a substantial margin.
There is not one single poll out there that suggests that another referendum is viable or wanted by any kind of majority.
The biggest trading area by the way is outside of the protectionist EU.
You know the EU is a failed project as they are now suppressing any dissenting voices with unsustainable expense perks and inflated pensions.
I would say it is the few remaining remainers that are left that are "bitter and twisted Little Englanders" as they want to keep us tied to an undemocratic failed project who's origins lie with the Nazi's and kept alive by the Bilderbergs, Soros and other unspeakable so called human being like Blair, Mandleson and other cohorts.
Lets also get something else straight, Britain never begs.

Benjamin Kaynine

Senior Member
You described the Bilderbergs, Soros, Blair, Mandelson etc as "unspeakable so-called human beings" so by your reasoning of calling people names you have lost the argument too.

The EU has brought 75 years of peace and prosperity to Europe and 45 to the United Kingdom, so it's hardly a "failed project". The problem with (insult alert) Brexitards is that they do not understand Europe and the commitment of the EU-27 to make the project a continuing success. The Brexit vote has succeeded in bringing Europe together rather than forcing it apart, and coupled with the collapse of the populist vote in various European elections this summer, has lifted the cloud over the EU economy such the EU is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world - and much faster than sclerotic UK.

I agree no one wants another referendum. Britain needs to get on with it and get out as quickly as possible, leaving the EU to get on living and working together in an increasingly prosperous market of more than 400m people while little England and Wales (minus eventually Scotland and Northern Ireland) is left to sink slowly into poverty, oblivion and irrelevance


Senior Member
You described the Bilderbergs, Soros, Blair, Mandelson etc as "unspeakable so-called human beings" so by your reasoning of calling people names you have lost the argument too.

The EU has brought 75 years of peace and prosperity to Europe
and 45 to the United Kingdom, so it's hardly a "failed project". The problem with (insult alert) Brexitards is that they do not understand Europe and the commitment of the EU-27 to make the project a continuing success. The Brexit vote has succeeded in bringing Europe together rather than forcing it apart, and coupled with the collapse of the populist vote in various European elections this summer, has lifted the cloud over the EU economy such the EU is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world - and much faster than sclerotic UK.

I agree no one wants another referendum. Britain needs to get on with it and get out as quickly as possible, leaving the EU to get on living and working together in market of more than 400m people while little England and Wales (minus eventually Scotland and Northern Ireland) is left to sink slowly into poverty, oblivion and irrelevance
Blair, should be charged with treason, except, wait for it, he changed the treason laws while in power.
Soros caused Black friday and got away with prosecution
Mandleson has admitted being part of the plan to replace the indigenous population with immigrants and sent out search parties to find such people
The Bilderbergs along with the EGC pass down instructions to the un elected EU commission so they can be brought before the EU parliament for approval.

The EU has not been in existence (unless you count the 3rd Reich) for 75 years so that little point is out of the window, it is NATO that has been responsible for peace in our and adjoining countries, as for peace in the rest of Europe,

1944–1956 Guerrilla war in the Baltic state
1945–1949 Greek Civil War
1947–1962 Romanian anti-communist resistance movement
1953 Uprising in East Germany
1956 Uprising in Poznań
1956 Hungarian Revolution
1956–1962 Operation Harvest
1958 Opération Corse
1958 First Cod War
1959–2011 Basque conflict
1967 Greek coup d'état
1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia
1968–1998 The Troubles
1970–1984 Unrest in Italy
1972 Bugojno group
1972–1973 Second Cod War
1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus
1975–1976 Third Cod War
1981 Spanish coup d'état
1988–1994 Nagorno-Karabakh War
1989 Romanian Revolution
1990–1991 Soviet attacks on Lithuanian border posts
1991 January Events
1991 The Barricades
1991 Ten-Day War (Slovenia)
1991–1992 Georgian war against Russo-Ossetian alliance
1991–1993 Georgian Civil War
1991–1995 Croatian War of Independence
1992 Transnistria War
1992 East Prigorodny Conflict
1992–1993 First Georgian war against Russo-Abkhazian alliance
1992–1995 Bosnian War
1993 Cherbourg incident
1993 Russian constitutional crisis
1994–1996 First Chechen War
1995–1996 Imia/Kardak military crisis
1997–1998 Cyprus Missile Crisis
1997 Albanian civil war of 1997
1998–1999 Kosovo War
1998–present Dissident Irish Republican campaign
1998 Second Georgian war against Russian-Abkhazian alliance
1999 War of Dagestan
1999–2009 Second Chechen War
1999–2001 Insurgency in the Preševo Valley
2001 Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia
2002 Perejil Island crisis
2004–2013 Unrest in Kosovo

2004 unrest in Kosovo
2008 unrest in Kosovo
2011–2013 North Kosovo crisis
2004 Georgia, Adjara crisis
2006 Georgia, Kodori crisis
2007–2015 Civil war in Ingushetia
2008 Russia–Georgia war
2009–present Insurgency in the North Caucasus
2013–2014 Euromaidan and pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine
2014 Crimean crisis
2014–present War in Donbass
2015 Kumanovo clashes

As for the EU coming together








Prediction Champion 2019 & 2020
Aye aye, which brfcs troll have we here? is it Jim? Gunner? hmmmm me thinks it's Jim, not pompous enough for the Malteser.
Whoever it is , it's good to have a bitter remainiac on board . Variety is the spice of life

His love of the EU project probably stems from a Romanian barista winking at him in his favourite coffee bar in Manchester or being waved through passport control in Majorca on his way to a fortnight in Magaluf


Staff member
I agree no one wants another referendum. Britain needs to get on with it and get out as quickly as possible, leaving the EU to get on living and working together in an increasingly prosperous market of more than 400m people while little England and Wales (minus eventually Scotland and Northern Ireland) is left to sink slowly into poverty, oblivion and irrelevance
Obviously most people either don't understand your doom laden prophecy regarding the economy or they don't give a stuff.
The nation voted democratically to get out of Europe and now we have way too much uninformed prevarication and opinion around the why's and wherefores of the result and a general refusal by many in authority to accept the main issue and grasp the nettle. Most informed opinion outside of the Palace of Westminster and the Wapping editorials is that the sole reason for very many voting to leave was that UK citizens are railing against the levels of immigration this country has seen over the past 45 years and the unpopular changes to our society and our way of life which have accompanied it. Have you ever considered that just maybe the constraints imposed to prevent Freedom of Speech and to prevent people from exercising the basic democratic right of voicing their opinions by the Race Relations Act and subsequent legislation is the reason behind this vote? I suggest that you would do well to do so.
Every day the news and media provide us with reports of continual atrocities carried out in the name of Islam, to many people living in areas of high muslim population Merkel's open door welcome of ever more followers of that faith goes against the grain. Small wonder the privacy of the Polling Station provided many people the chance to have their say.

Guess who said this BK........ "At all events, the discussion of future grave but, with effort now, avoidable evils is the most unpopular and at the same time the most necessary occupation for the politician. Those who knowingly shirk it deserve, and not infrequently receive, the curses of those who come after." Bang on wasn't he?