• NEXT GAME:Leicester City FC
    Saturday 4th May 2024
    Kick off 12.30 pm
    Kingpower Stadium


Barmitzvah Boy

Global winner of the 2021 Christmas Quiz 👊🤩🤩

Naughty naughty naughty. Who would have believed that a BwD councillor would break the rules and a senior Council Director failed to report it and divulged the cheapest bid received therefore potentially allowing it to be undercut.

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Staff member
Some folk can't lie straight in bed can they?


Staff member
So bburn police are asking people to only report escooters? Well personally speaking I'd rather be knocked over by an e scooter at 30mph than a VW golf at 80 on a narrow road/street!

however I believe that escooters should be encouraged and not outlawed. The cost to the environment of moving a tonne and half of metal to get a person to work can only be solved by shanks pony (ain't gonna happen) cycles and escooters.
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Old Darwen Blue

Prediction Champion 2021, 2022 & 2023


Staff member
Not a chance of that happening ODB.

btw Hollern's in Canada. No doubt on a free jolly to get out of the firing line.


Senior Member
It says it all that they oppose a 2-state solution, but demand a ceasefire whenever Israel is retaliating. What does that tell you? That they want Hamas to be able to attack Israel, with no consequences, until Israel is wiped out.

Its so depressing that this is Britain now.

Barmitzvah Boy

Global winner of the 2021 Christmas Quiz 👊🤩🤩
Another nail in the coffin of Blackburn Town Centre.

M&S are quitting to move to an out of town place owned by the Issa brothers.

It is a good job I buy all my undies on-line. Just look at these belters from Amazon 💪


Staff member
Dreadful reporting from a "trainee journo" :poop: informing us that M&S opened there in the 80's! FFS!

Chickens coming home to roost. Blackburn has brought it on themselves, as has M&S to an extent. Obviously on line shopping has contributed and unable to compete on price M&S let quality drop years ago and and lost their reputation. Meanwhile the council treat businesses like money trees. Ridiculous business rents and rates, a greedy money grubbing attitude to parking and a huge change in the demography have lead to the down fall of the borough. I've no idea how we could all see it happening but apparently not the council. A once thriving night life has gone to the wall denying the council pub and bar revenue whilst the shops in the centre are all left flogging a dead horse. Blackburn on a Saturday is now a ghost town compared to what it was in the 70's when I worked there. What has a Labour MP and a majority Labour council presided over other than a massive demise of the town.
I once suggested to the Mayor years ago that free parking discs and / or free bus passes should be handed out to all households the minute that they pay their council tax in full. Reason being it would attract people to use the shops in the centre thereby justifying the rent and rates, retail businesses would be attracted to the centre and buses that travel up and down with no one on them would have a purpose once more. He laughed at me and told me that parking fees were a major income that they could not do without. As ever short term thinking is the achilles heel of our politicians. 's be honest anyone from M&S taking Council leader Phil Riley as an example of the town would see that there isn't much future for elegance and grooming in BwD.

This is a good read for the more nostalgic amongst us, Blackburn was a thriving community and home to many small businesses before the demise of the textile industry... https://www.cottontown.org/howweusedtolive/Down Memory Lane/Pages/All-Our-Yesterdays.aspx
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Barmitzvah Boy

Global winner of the 2021 Christmas Quiz 👊🤩🤩
Shock horror !!!

A pub is set to reopen in Blackburn 😮. I was thinking of going until I saw the face of Scruff O’Riley the Council ‘Leader’ on the photograph.
