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Health & Fitness Thread


Senior Member
32 * 50 = 1600m or just over a mile, not shabby Pink. Other ways for you to do it as opposed to number of lengths would be intensity. Time how long the 32 takes you to do and aim to beat it each time, thus getting quicker and stressing your body that way. Should give a better high when you finish and will increase fitness better than aiming for more lengths purely.


Senior Member
32 * 50 = 1600m or just over a mile, not shabby Pink. Other ways for you to do it as opposed to number of lengths would be intensity. Time how long the 32 takes you to do and aim to beat it each time, thus getting quicker and stressing your body that way. Should give a better high when you finish and will increase fitness better than aiming for more lengths purely.
It took me bout 40mins lol lol..dont ask me distance n metres n all that cuz I'm clueless..but ye good plan 2 see if can do it faster ..but only do breast stroke..


My diet up the swanny with hospital visiting ...ah well the Mrs is more important


Cheers bud...it's not good and we will be off to London heart hospital in the next few weeks


Senior Member
I have been through it all with my mum mate so understand your pain, fingers crossed they get it sorted and she gets back on her feet.


Slowly ..to be honest mate. Started ok this week but got sidelined and on beer and meal tomorrow but aim to crack on next week. Going to mainly weights at gym due to knee giving gip .


Staff member
Common in middle age for exercise to bring on injury. Cycling and swimming are less damaging. Also doesn't working with weights tend to increase bodyweight as the muscles increase?


Staff member
I’ve had recurring pain in my right knee for years. Had to cut out squats, which are one of the best exercises you can do. Last time I went to the doctors my GP just fobbed me off with some anti-inflammatories. They’re not interested in getting to the cause of it. Scans cost money. And I can’t afford to go private.
Most times the best Doctor is your own body amo and most Doctors know this.:confused: However quite topically I hobbled into a consultants clinic yesterday for a private appointment (top specialist in the NW, very well recommended and a Professor in his field) I expected to be told that I needed replacement surgery but that didn't transpire. He recommended a simple (but painful I understand) injection as the next step. Point being the health industry is not as mercenary as we might think.


Prediction Champion 2019 & 2020
Just returned from my annual eye screening appointment at Barbara Castle Way Health Centre . I'm a Type 1 diabetic and in danger of getting diabetic retinopathy , so screening is important.

I try to arrange the appointment early in the day , so the effect of the eye drops wears off so I can drive home in the evening . Popped out of work, walked and got down there at 9.25 for a 9.30 appointment . Usually the two practitioners carrying out the test are busy brewing up and drinking tea so it's rare that the appointment commences at the arranged appointment time , and when they carry out the test they are usually miserable and uncommunicative . This morning much to my surprise I was called in bang on time at 9.30. There was just one practitioner , a pleasant friendly young lady. She explained the test , asked lots of questions, did her job and all in all was totally professional .

When she'd finished I congratulated her , told her that her approach made such a pleasant change , but asked her why she was on her own. She said she worked for Emis Care , a private company contracted to the NHS to do the diabetic eye screening programme . I guess they don't think it's necessary for two people to carry out such straight forward screening .

If this is the effect of " private provision " on the NHS I'm certainly not complaining.
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Staff member
Not in every instance re: the NHS but it's usually the case that the word 'National' before any business name can be substituted for 'Inefficient'.

I must say that the majority of times that I've been to Montague Health Centre the service and treatment has been pretty damned good ..... the only issue as ever is actually getting an appointment to see your GP when you are feeling poorly.


Bought myself a soup maker and been making all sorts. Back managing an hour's cardio a session as well or hard 30 if pushed for time.


Senior Member
Bought myself a soup maker and been making all sorts. Back managing an hour's cardio a session as well or hard 30 if pushed for time.
My nan has 1 and swears by it...good on ya 4 hitting the gym..iv slacked a bit recently with being ill..so back on it this week..