• NEXT GAME:Leicester City FC
    Saturday 4th May 2024
    Kick off 12.30 pm
    Kingpower Stadium

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Staff member
Isn't it a little discriminatory? Just like the 40% tax rate, Council Tax etc? Why should someone who has saved all their life be penalised when someone else who has saved nothing and spent all they had gets subsidised?
I'd prefer the BBC to have the proportion of LBGTQ's, employees of all ages and no more than 15% ethnic minorities in line with the nation's population as a whole.

Anyway TV Licences used to be a major issue until Sky came along. Now people pay more in two months than the TV licence just to watch Sky TV.


Staff member

Why I cannot abide religion... and Islam in particular! It just spawns ignorant, primitive evil bastards! Anyone with a daughter(s) will not be able to imagine what it must be like to be her parent. I hope the prosecution get their wish and they all swing for their sins... and in public!


Staff member
Now whilst I'm not too fussed about this Licence fee issue (My mother lived with us until she was 89 when dementure overtook our ability to care for her and we were exempt from a TV licence whilst she was with us! A 'help' which I found completely unnecessary tbh.) I do believe that if it was in the Conservative manifesto at the last election then it must be adhered to though.
As Farage says to politicians the word manifesto = lie.


Staff member
If so then they did the best thing by topping him in public to hope to allay suspicions.


Staff member

Suspended as a Minister? FFS! Theresa May continues in her quest to prove to be the weakest and worst Tory PM in history! Pretty sure the best one, Margaret Thatcher would be pinning a medal to his chest this week! She like myself would no doubt believe that he should be commended for his prompt actions in protecting the second most important politician in the land, the Chancellor of the Exchequer as that person approached quickly with menace.

Given the brief time that he had ...
1. How did he even be certain that the attacker was a woman? It could have been a chap dressed up. I believe if it had been a bloke there would be no condemnation whatsoever now would there?

2. How did he know whether or not the would be assailant was in possession of a weapon? Knife or gun could be easily concealed. Bomb belt or how about Sarin etc? Truth is even pepper spray could have been used to attack Hammond. How timely is this headline in todays LT? https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co....r-coming-into-contact-with-unknown-substance/

3. How good might it have been and how many would still be alive today if someone with the presence of mind and speed of thought of Mark Field had noticed that muslim fanatical bastard Abedi fiddling with his rucksack at the Manchester Arena a couple of years back?

Labour (and others) calling for him to be sacked makes me want to retch!
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Staff member
There's a bad smell surrounding this........ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-48755329
Big fine of course and the CEO should lose his job over it BUT it would stop most of these issues and send shock waves through the business sector if the CEO was given a spell inside at Her Majesty's pleasure for presiding over this deception and filthy practice. Anyone can make mistakes where Acts of God and Natural phenomena are concerned but to attempt a cover up by switching water samples is imo a criminal act.


Staff member
Seems David Duckinfield will have to face a re-trial. That'll not bring anyone back will it? Can we not just consign this to the bloody history books and move on? Orgreave and Bloody Sunday too! We have too many moire important matters than to keep raking the coals surely?